Welcome to the No. 78 Issue of Momenta Learning News on Elearning and Online Learning
Online learning techniques which dramatically improved engineering students results at the University of NSW are now being offered to the world through a free, massive open online course, or MOOC. UNSW's course, Through Engineers' Eyes: Engineering Mechanics by Experiment, Analysis and Design, now running on the FutureLearn MOOC platform, lets people learn engineering principles by trying real experiments in a virtual world.
You've heard it said before that learning how to code is a beneficial skill for everyone today. But maybe, as an online marketer - SEO expert, SMM expert or PPC/SEM expert - you probably don't think that applies to you. Surely you can do your job just as effectively without having to know the basics of web development, right?
There are very real concerns in the sector that learning and development professionals and departments are being pushed into a different shape, and out of board-level decision-making processes. It can appear that we have no control on this, but is that true?
For centuries, universities have taken an active approach in tackling major challenges of the day - from addressing the changing role of women in society to researching the future health of our planet. They have often been at the centre of progress, driving deep, meaningful change and helping build a better, more just future.
Of the nine online or blended learning programs, five were whole school programs and four were credit recovery and remedial programs. While all differed in size, demographics, community types, location, and status of program development, the research team found important similarities.
As he works to put together a programme of online learning opportunities for students, Hedley Willsea reflects on education in an increasingly connected world Hedley Willsea, IB English Language and Literature Teacher, Anglo-American School of Moscow
By Mattan GriffelOnline learning is revolutionizing the way people build our careers. Comprehensive programming and design courses enable us to hone and develop new skills, make massive career shifts, and earn more money. Seems like a win-win for employees and employers alike.But some hiring managers are still skeptical of online training and fall back on a college degree as the standard for a good hire.
Morgan Richards, a 31-year-old mother of three, is a trendsetter in her pursuit of a university degree. Richards stumbled upon the Global Freshman Academy, a mash-up between Arizona State University (ASU) and edX, which is one of the massive open online content (MOOC) providers.
PEAK, FuelEd's personalized learning platform, won a 2016 BESSIE Award for Best Teacher Tools from ComputED Gazette. The BESSIE Awards, now in its 22nd year, target innovative and content-rich programs, apps, and websites that provide parents and teachers with the technology to foster educational excellence.
A UK online university network is claiming a "breakthrough moment" with a project which will allow students to cut the cost of a Russell Group degree by studying part of it online. A Futurelearn online course will provide credits towards a University of Leeds undergraduate degree.
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