Welcome to the No. 69 Issue of Momenta Learning News on Elearning and Online Learning
If you are reading this article, you are probably evaluating outsourcing of eLearning content development or are looking at alternatives for your existing outsourcing approach. There are several compelling business reasons to outsource and there are certainly plenty of possible partners you can engage with.
Drawing animals is about as old as culture gets, if you count those beasts doodled on prehistoric cave walls. And massive online college courses are about as new as it gets, with no one really sure exactly where they are going.
Today's guest is Richard Spires. He is well known in the federal community for his work at the Department of Homeland Services. Today he is the CEO of Learning Tree International. We began the discussion by talking about his comments at a recent FITARA event.
Actor and comedian, Aaron McIlroy, whips out his blackboard and chalk for his new show, Comedy Masterclass. Latoya Newman reports Aaron McIlroy is set to premier his new show, Comedy Masterclass, at UKZN's Elizabeth Sneddon Theatre in Durban from next week.
Ed Tech Trends Managing projects is the most common task instructional designers undertake during their days, followed by technology and pedagogical training. Their biggest obstacle to success on the job is faculty resistance. The most important expertise they possess as a whole is the ability to learn new technologies, followed by project management and learning science or theory.
An evolution in learning and teaching has been enabled by providing access to online, content rich, interactive, personalized, meaningful, and timely tools through online courseware, learning management systems and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Engaging students has been a major challenge for online learning.
The goal is to transform classrooms, which in turn will transform whole schools and districts, in order to better prepare the next generation for life and work in the 2020s and beyond. The only way to drive rapid change is if it starts within the system.
The process of being educated varies among students. For most, education starts and ends the same way. Early education teaches you the basics and also teaches you how to behave and interact with others. This part of the process is invaluable. The face-to-face interaction is hugely important and physical instructor and peers are essential.
Twenty-somethings are notoriously hard to retain as employees. They can become disengaged and disaffected, waiting for their next performance bonus so that they can quit and do something - anything - else. The workplace challenge is for managers to retain skilled teams and provide the opportunity for professional development.
A robot hand that can perform extremely dexterous manoeuvres and learn from its own experiences has been developed by University of Washington researchers. Intricate tasks that require dexterous in-hand manipulation such as rolling, pivoting, bending, sensing friction and other actions that humans carry out effortlessly have proved notoriously difficult for robots.
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