Momenta Learning

A blog on topics related to Elearning, online education, and instructional design.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Momenta Learning No. 91 News on Elearning and Online Learning

Welcome to the No. 91 Issue of Momenta Learning News on Elearning and Online Learning
Momenta Learning

What Does the Future of Assignments Look Like?

Our newsletter subscribers got a sneak peek of this piece last week. Now, we're sharing with all of our readers and asking you to tell us what assignments will look like in the future. Tweet us your idea at @Chalkupedu or leave your two cents in the comments.

This LMScast shows you what to consider if you want to make an online music course, and how the LifterLMS platform or Boost service can get you started today.

Plenty of people are successfully teaching music online. In this LMScast Chris Badgett will show you what to consider if you want to make an online music course. Not only can it be done, but you have more options for music instruction online than ever before.

New Data Show Chronic Absenteeism is Widespread and Prevalent Among All Student Groups

A new analysis from the U.S. Department of Education shows that chronic absenteeism impacts students in all parts of the country and is prevalent among all races, as well as students with disabilities. The first-ever national comprehensive data collected on chronic absenteeism reveal that more than 6 million students-or 13 percent of all students-missed at least 15 days of school in the 2013-14 school year.

Do You Learn Better Through Making?

Featured Resource: [VIDEO] Permission to Make: Adam Savage (KQED Education) From classic cars to simple electronics, we have been making and tinkering with everyday objects for decades. The recent surge in DIY and Maker Culture has inspired educators to introduce garage creations to the classroom, bringing their curious students along for the ride.

Why is Education Important? A Q&A with Sharon Kehl Califano

By Pamme Boutselis June 10, 2016 We wanted to know "Why is education important" according to Sharon Kehl Califano. She said she wanted to take advantage of opportunities her mother never had. A child of the 1930s and the Great Depression, my mother experienced personal hardships, like many Americans from that period.

Mazur: Education isn't working : Times Argus Online

Times Argus Online - Vermont news, Vermont election results, Barre News, Montpelier News, Central Vermont News, local news, Vermont government, Vermont sports, Vermont classifieds, Jobs in Vermont

Tablets Pose Challenges for Online Test Takers, Studies Finding

Some test questions are likely harder to answer on tablets than on laptop and desktop computers, presenting states and districts with yet another new challenge as they move to widespread online assessments.

Students gravitate to online courses, legislators talk higher...

VALLEY CITY, N.D.-Many students taking classes at colleges and universities in North Dakota are doing so online. At the 11 North Dakota University System institutions, 47 percent of students take at least one distance course, which is defined as a class delivered via video, online, or...

The Top Benefits of Online Learning

In recent years, online learning has rapidly grown as an effective alternative to attending classes at a physical school, college or university. Thanks to advances in Internet technology such as cloud computing, it has become much easier for students to complete their courses solely online.

The Most Effective Way To Learn Guitar Online

If you are musically inclined but you are not able to harness your inner musician due to lack of money or time, modern technology can be extremely helpful for you. Nowadays everyone can play an instrument as long as he or she is willing to learn.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Momenta Learning No. 90 News on Elearning and Online Learning

Welcome to the No. 90 Issue of Momenta Learning News on Elearning and Online Learning
Momenta Learning

Training Professionals Should Never Learn to Code | Litmos Blog

That's only one side of the story. The other side is that everyone in our industry should, at the very least, understand code. And like all great conversations there are many many variations in between. So where do you stand on the topic? I find that most people land somewhere in the middle...but of course ...

Is Blended Learning the Magic Bullet

Like many of you, I have heard for years (maybe even decades) that blended learning is the answer to providing learning anywhere at any time. But is blended learning really the "magic bullet" we all seek? To answer that question, we must first address another question: What is blended learning?

How Five Companies Are Gaining Millions in Profit Off Education at Nonprofit Schools

Online program managers earn millions by designing and marketing virtual learning options at big-time colleges. Please consider disabling it for our site, or supporting our work in one of these ways Subscribe Now >

Why Online Learning is a Trend That's Here to Stay

Have you noticed how much easier it is to learn just about anything online these days? What an amazing time to be alive! While traditional education - which requires your physical presence and a hefty financial investment - dominated learning for the past century, now you can study from the comfort of your own home, with a schedule that works for you, at a much more affordable price.

The Real Reason Employers Are Helping Workers Pay for College

It was when a loyal employee named Amber told him she was quitting that Philip Smith, the owner of a Chick-fil-A franchise in Weatherford, Texas, got cooking. At a time when low unemployment is making it tough to find good workers, Amber said she was leaving for a job at Best Buy solely because of its tuition reimbursement benefit that would help her pay for a college degree.

Generic E-Learning Courses to Grow at CAGR 11.08% 2016 and Forecast to 2020

Tuesday, June 7th, 2016 - WiseGuyReports adds"Generic E-Learning Courses to Grow at CAGR 11.08% 2016 and Forecast to 2020"reports to its database. COMPLETE REPORT DETAILS E-learning refers to learning through electronic gadgets, such as PCs, notebooks, and tablets. It is backed by ICT that enables users to learn 24/7 learning from any access point.

A Simple Course Design for Multiple Learners | The Rapid E-Learning Blog

Course design is a challenge as you try to balance the needs of the client, subject matter experts, learners, and your own course design sensibility. One of the biggest issues with many online courses is that the course is a single solution designed to accommodate multiple learners.

Repetitive Spaced Out Learning: Making Learning Stick - Mindflash

"The spacing effect is one of the oldest and best documented phenomena in the history of learning and memory research." - Harry Bahrick & Lynda Hall (2005) What really makes learning stick? For adult learners, practicality, applicability, and repetition are key. But how do you capitalize on repetition in eLearning?...

How to Teach Essay Writing: Tools for Educators

By Veronica Hunt Veronica Hunt is a true edtech expert and is a freelance writer. She features the latest education and marketing trends in her articles.

How to Use Reinforcement to Increase Your Training Impact

At ATD this year, our founder, Anthonie Wurth, gave a riveting presentation filled with actionable tips on how to use reinforcement to increase the impact of training programs. Those in attendance, received practical advice on how to create mobile reinforcement and how to measure knowledge retention and behavior change.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Momenta Learning No. 89 News on Elearning and Online Learning

Welcome to the No. 89 Issue of Momenta Learning News on Elearning and Online Learning
Momenta Learning

Online Learning : Learning Analytics Special Issue - OLC

Online Learning, the official journal of the Online Learning Consortium promotes the development and dissemination of new knowledge at the intersection of pedagogy, emerging technology, policy, and practice in online environments. The journal has been published for two decades and is known to many by its former name, the Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks (JALN).

How should online teacher programs be judged? - The Hechinger Report

Do teachers who learn the job online perform as well as teachers trained in the same kind of brick-and-mortar classroom they're likely to teach in? A new set of proposals to regulate online teacher preparation programs from the federal government is an effort to find out which programs are working and which aren't, but it's ...

Can Education Becomes A Profitable Business With A Humanitarian Vision?

Today, the education industry is deemed as one of the fastest and progressively growing sectors worldwide. It is also currently one of the largest industries globally that ensure profit since people need to be educated to make progress in life. Education has been considered as a significant factor of civilization and industrialization.

4 Tech Trends Can Help You Design More Effective E-Learning

There are now more mobile devices than people on the planet. In the early 1990s, less than 1 percent of the world was connected to the Internet. Today, it is estimated that as much as 45 percent of the world's population has Internet access, according to data from Internet Live Stats.

3 New Knowledge Check Interaction Templates now available!

Guest Blog by: Thomas Reyes-Cairo, Community Manager at eLearning Brothers Adobe Captivate 9 is filled to the brim with amazing functionalities, all of which pool together to make intuitive eLearning courses. Some of the great, commonly-used features include Advanced Actions (and the perhaps lesser-known Shared Advanced Actions) and variables.

New Trends in Online Learning ~ Stephen Downes

Online learning, new media, connectivism, MOOCs, personal learning environments, new literacy, and more from Stephen Downes

Online Learning Insights

1. The Chatbot Teaching Assistant Colorado State University (CSU) plans to use 'Intelligent Tutoring' in two online undergraduate courses this Fall. The goal is to improve learning outcomes, increase instructors' productivity and enable high-quality personalized education by using chatbot technology. A chatbot is a computer program designed to simulate conversation with human users on a web-based platform.

2016 Higher Education Online Learning Landscape

Recent data from the Online Learning Consortium shows that online learning is finally mainstreaming with 5.8M students enrolled in one or more online courses and 77% of students reporting that technology increases engagement with course materials.

Ready to Launch: Re-Envisioning the Preparation of Students for Online Learning

By Joshua Steele, The EvoLLLution One of the most important questions a university must ask in welcoming new students is how they will orient or onboard incoming cohorts to ensure that the tools, resources and information required for success are adequately provided.

Flipped classrooms turning STEM education upside down

Given the difficult-to-digest subject matter in many STEM classrooms, educators have customarily relied on traditional lecture-based educational methods where they spend class time walking through content and then assign homework problems to supplement that learning.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Momenta Learning No. 88 News on Elearning and Online Learning

Welcome to the No. 88 Issue of Momenta Learning News on Elearning and Online Learning
Momenta Learning

7 Habits to Learn to Think Like a #Scientist #Infographic

There is no doubt that "thinking like a scientist" helps me in my everyday life. I am constantly asking questions, doing research, modifying my routines and practices, and looking at data. I am a problem solving machine! In fact, a lot of the joy I have is in coming up with new and innovative ways [...]

Get your organisation ready for eLearning the way it should have been

So your organisation hasn't used eLearning before? Or maybe you have made a start but you aren't quite happy with your results? It is important to have clarity on what eLearning actually is. Some think it is eLearning content - setting up eLearning courses for your staff; others think more about technology - selecting a Learning Management System.

A Secret For Learning: Don't Take Notes With Your Laptop

Remember when being in a classroom entailed your teacher's lesson plan being scratched onto a chalkboard? Or watching as he or she rolled a projector into the room and brought forth the lesson onto a white screen? You listened and took notes with pen or pencil on paper, or you missed out.

3 Steps to Transition to Blended Learning

3 Steps to Transition to Blended Learning Blended learning includes a strategic mix of online and face-to-face experiences. It can reduce your training costs, help you reach a wider audience, and more importantly, learners love the collaboration and online access.

36 Higher Ed Thoughts From Meeker's Internet Trends Deck | Technology and Learning

Each summer Mary Meeker releases her Internet Trends presentation. At the release of each report, I wonder if postsecondary education will be featured in the deck. And each summer I am sad that it is not. The fact that Mary Meeker is not putting higher education in her Internet Trends deck should not stop us from trying.

My Writing Productivity Pipeline

Ever since I was a graduate student, I have tried to recapture the clarity of purpose I had while working on my dissertation. I got up every morning, made myself a cup of coffee, and sat down at my computer to write one thing and one thing only.

Do Off-the-Shelf Video Solutions Make the Grade for Elearning? - Streaming Media Magazine

April/May 2016 Subscribe Do Off-the-Shelf Video Solutions Make the Grade for Elearning? When smaller educational organizations look for affordable online video systems, they don't find the features that come standard in advanced elearning platforms. Building a great learning environment online almost always revolves around the video experience.

5 Issues That Plague Learning

When it comes to accountability, learning leaders face five persistent dilemmas. These are not new, but they persistently erode credibility and success in the learning function. We're the No. 1 solution but the first to go when there's a problem. Executives frequently request learning solutions.

4 Tips for Using Support Services as an Online Student

Offices for support services at institutions have different hours of operation, so online students will need to figure out the best time to contact each one. Earning an online degree is not as simple as taking classes until all requirements are met and then graduating.

36 Higher Ed Thoughts From Meeker's Internet Trends Deck | Technology and Learning

Each summer Mary Meeker releases her Internet Trends presentation. At the release of each report, I wonder if postsecondary education will be featured in the deck. And each summer I am sad that it is not. The fact that Mary Meeker is not putting higher education in her Internet Trends deck should not stop us from trying.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Momenta Learning No. 87 News on Elearning and Online Learning

Welcome to the No. 87 Issue of Momenta Learning News on Elearning and Online Learning
Momenta Learning

The Mobile Learning Management System

Games are a great tool to reinforce knowledge built up throughout a lesson in a fun and time pressured environment. This week we added a new game to the Template Library, Memory. Like all of our game templates, Memory enables you to build an interactive game within minutes.

Managing Behaviour for Learning

This free online course is for teachers of science, technology, engineering and mathematics subjects, focusing mainly on the context of UK schools and colleges. It aims to help you learn how to maintain discipline when dealing with unruly students.

Constrained local students are enjoying opportunities online learning offers

ONLINE learning is becoming increasingly popular, particularly among students who cannot access traditional places of higher education due to various constraints, including financial, geographical and political. Higher education has been under the spotlight in SA following last year's #feesmustfall protests.

Paperless education - The Boston Globe

GROTON - Finding a textbook in Barbara McNulty's communications class requires some sleuthing. That's because the weighty volumes are stacked at the bottom of a dark closet and haven't been used in 10 years. Pens, notebooks, and lectures? Also scarce.

Fuel a rocket with food in a Madison startup's learning game

Launching a rocket may not be as complicated as NASA and SpaceX make it out to be. Just make sure it's got a balanced diet of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, and everything should be fine.

Top 5 Reasons Students Take Online PE | Carone Learning

So you're interested in an online PE course? You're not alone! Carone Learning* has successfully met the needs of thousands of students looking for an alternative option for physical education. Read on to see if you can relate to our top five list of reasons students take online PE through Carone Learning.

Customer Education in B2B Context: Ideas to Use Technology Effectively

Today, sales person is rarely the first point of contact for customers; if they need to know about products. Customers first go online and do their initial research even before contacting a sales person or visiting a store. This is more pronounced in case of B2C products - thanks to the multitude of e-commerce sites and other online options.

Bored with study? The new wave of edubots will find a way to spark your interest

An online learning program which can tell when a student is becoming bored and inattentive is one of the key developments forecast to reshape university education in Australia in the next five years, according to a new report.

Practutor BlogWhy Flip? A Closer Look at Flipped Learning - Practutor Blog

As we progress rapidly into the middle of the second decade of the 21st century, questions continue to be raised about how education addresses the ever increasing demands for change, integrating emerging technologies, and maximising the possibilities for every student.

Best Practices For Training Retail Organizations

Most retail organizations understand the challenge of retaining good people. As if relentless competition and a dynamic market weren't enough to keep up with, employee turnover is a consistent trouble spot for retailers, costing about $1 billion a year. Effective learning programs are a powerful way to retain employees.

Momenta Learning No. 86 News on Elearning and Online Learning

Welcome to the No. 86 Issue of Momenta Learning News on Elearning and Online Learning
Momenta Learning

How to Set up Students to Succeed in Online Learning (EdSurge News)

Make no mistake-college still works for most who attend; it remains the most reliable gateway to a successful future. But the numbers speak volumes about how higher education must improve to meet the burgeoning demand. When more than 40 percent of first-time, full-time students will not graduate

Learning Data Science through a free online course

Last year I shared information on the Machine Learning course I took on edX, which taught me how to implement Azure Machine Learning services, and allowed me to build predictive data models. I've subsequently spoken with people who took the course on my recommendation, and have built interesting predictive models for student behaviour.

Free online textbook use grows at state universities

More than a year after the state Legislature put $110,000 into the North Dakota University System to fund a free textbook initiative, the first schools to see those funds are hoping to save students a lot of money. Based on calculations using the full cost of textbooks, UND is going to save students...

Effective Training: Good Communication Can Make Or Break Your Training - eLearning Industry

In 1519, the explorer Ferdinand Magellan set forth to discover a new route from Portugal to the Spice Islands and, in the process, to complete the first round-the-world journey. His fleet of ships sailed around the tip of South America, rested on the coast of Chile, then turned northwest to start what they thought would be an easy three-week cruise to the islands.

What the NBA Finals Can Teach You About Your Training Department | Litmos Blog

Perhaps not everyone is as into the NBA finals as we are at Litmos HQ (Go Warriors!) but everyone in the L&D industry likely has appreciation over one thing: the art of training when it comes to professional sports. Whether you're cheering for the Warriors or Cavaliers in the finals, you have to acknowledge the fact ...

Ideas for using multiple choice questions for more than testing

Posted by Robin Petterd on 2 June 2016 In my post on how to write effective multiple choice questions I spoke a bit about their use for more than just knowledge assessment. I discussed how they can be used to simulate the decision making a learner has to do in the workplace.

Top 5 Tips On Enterprise Games That Actually Add Value

Enterprise games are trendy nowadays. Training managers want to make innovative learning simulations. They want their learners to engage in the learning modules. Nevertheless, while enterprise games seem to have all the features required to get great results, this is not always the case.

How to protect yourself when teaching online - The Coach's Corner

Teaching online for the first time can be a scary and intimidating scenario. Not only is it a big psychological change from teaching locally in your community, but we've all heard those frightening stories about teachers being scammed or ripped off. So, how can a smart teachers protect themselves against these unexpected scenarios?

Training Simulations: 6 Truths You Need To Know

While new serious game authoring tools and technologies are starting to emerge, people tend to get overwhelmed by information. In this article, we are going to share with you 6 truths about training simulations, and explain to you why we recommend using it in online training.

Google Sheets Features and Formulas for Teachers: More You Didn't Know Existed

L ast year we learned something: educators are using Google Sheets for all sorts of things. Grading, quizzes, progress tracking - even lesson planning. Our piece on little-known features and formulas for educators went over well enough that our readers have told us they're ready for round two.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Momenta Learning No. 85 News on Elearning and Online Learning

Welcome to the No. 85 Issue of Momenta Learning News on Elearning and Online Learning
Momenta Learning

The "So What" of Learning

One of the most daunting challenges facing learning professionals on a daily basis is how to establish the value we add. Measuring performance from courses, e-learning solutions, informal learning, social learning, and other initiatives is a challenge. It is an aspect of our role we all struggle with and some of us even shirk.

Changing the Game of eLearning with Adobe

Written by Tiffany Chang, Digital Collaboration Specialist, Carahsoft Today, nearly 80% of companies leverage eLearning to train their workforce, and with a wide variety of tools on the market - nearly double what was available five years ago - it's becoming more and more challenging for instructors to choose the right tools for their audience.

6 Questions to Ask About Flexibility in Online Degree Programs

Experts say prospective online learners should research their course scheduling options for each semester and the hours that student services are accessible. For Dana Thompson, who lives in the Washington, D.C. area, finding an online master's program in social work that was flexible enough to supplement her life outside the classroom was key.

3 Simple ways to gamify your online learning

Gamification can help you create a more engaging learning experience. But, make sure you don't simply take a game and apply it to your learning. Instead, you should focus on finding ways to use gaming elements to create learning experiences that are not possible with traditional face-to-face training.

Five Essential Money Tips For Grads

By John Wasik Forbes There's a lot they don't tell you in college about money. Forget about Econ 101. I'm talking basic money survival. First of all, every bank and financial service company will never offer you a free service - ever. They charge in less-than-transparent ways that can soak you everytime you use one of their services.

The rise and rise of coding skills

If you think learning how to code is just for software or web specialists, you're in for a shock. In fact, the trend is being embraced by everybody from school children to lawyers. Indeed, attorneys at the Australian law firm Gilbert + Tobin have been learning to code and design apps and smart contracts for clients.

New Intro Animations Added to Adobe Captivate 9 Assets Library

Guest Blog by: Thomas Reyes-Cairo, Community Manager at eLearning Brothers Everyone remembers the classroom presentations of yore: still screens of text with the occasional picture or background image. (Or, if you can recall even further back, plain black text on a transparency sheet projected onto a white backdrop.) Boring, right?

Cornell Launches New Online Learning Program

Cornell strives to stay in step with the Internet's promotion of educational opportunities with the introduction of WebSeries, eCornell's latest mechanism for online learning. WebSeries consists of one-hour long lectures that provide "flexible access to Cornell faculty organized around specific topics of interest," according to Paul Krause, CEO of eCornell and associate vice provost of online learning at Cornell.

Online PD Won't Work if It's Not Job-Embedded

When I was teaching education courses to beginning New York City teachers in the early 2000s, our department had a problem that every institution of higher education would love to have: an explosion in enrollment.

Students and Higher Ed Leaders Put Their Faith in Online Classes [#Infographic]

As cost-effective alternatives to traditional college classes, online learning programs continue to gain steam in higher ed. According to statistics gathered for an Online Learning Consortium infographic, 5.8 million students are now enrolled in online courses, and the majority put tremendous stock in the quality of their education: 90 percent of students say their online learning experiences are the same or better than in-classroom options.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Momenta Learning No. 84 News on Elearning and Online Learning

Welcome to the No. 84 Issue of Momenta Learning News on Elearning and Online Learning
Momenta Learning

Startups & elearning: Edtech - Snackson

Edtech (Education & Technology) is a concept that is rapidly gaining ground. A term which represents a growing sector, with a turnover forecast for 2022 close to 243,8 billion dollars . Probably, the fastest-growing area after ehealth, iOT or fintech. Only some months ago, we wrote an article in which we showed some Edtech startups that had received funding.

André Thomas | Game-Based Learning | Higher Education | EdNews Daily

announces new funding round of $1.43 million, on the heels of their official market launch and initial game release due June 1st, 2016, raising the total investment to nearly $2 million. Emerging out of the LIVE Lab at Texas A&M University, in 2014, André Thomas and Rahul Khanorkar founded game-based learning company Triseum combining legacies in game development, design graphics, market development and management.

Streamline your e-learning content for a bigger impact

Okay I just made that up BUT I DO subscribe to the folksy wisdom behind it. If something is precise and well-executed, it can have a universal appeal. This is particularly true when you're curating content for your training. Here are some ways to streamline your message to better resonate with your audience.

Management salaries soar as academic pay stagnates, data suggest

Average salaries paid to senior university staff are rising three times as fast as the pay awarded to rank-and-file academics, new figures show. With the sector already facing criticism over large pay rises awarded to vice-chancellors, as revealed by Times Higher Education last month, an analysis of official pay data shows that the pay of senior university managers is also growing much faster than that given to academics.

How Faculty Are Using Learning Data to Better Understand Students

Collecting data in education used to mean tirelessly connecting the dots between homework assignments, quiz and test scores, and classroom activities. The advent of online analytics has changed that. Technology-enabled learning tools have the ability to capture much of the baseline learning data necessary to identify students who are struggling, where they are struggling, and whether or not the coursework itself could be better tailored to optimize learning.

Build a Blended Learning Presence - Part 1 - NCCE's Tech Savvy Teacher Blog

Are you new to blended learning? Would you like a summer project to changes up learning next school year? This multi-post guide will help you build an online classroom and explore different techniques in providing a blended learning experience for your students.

What a Decade of EdTech Research Shows

Giant meta analysis of the research regarding ed tech: Beyond the Basics What a decade of Ed Research says about technology in the hands of underserved, under resourced & underprepared students Molly B.

Bringing gamification to work

Recently the Harvard Business Review featured a piece predicting the growing influence of gaming on the workplace. On a technological level, games are driving improvements in hardware and software that typically filter down into office based equipment, whilst game methodologies have powered everything from computer aided design to enterprise collaboration tools.

The Consumerization of Learning: Impact on Learning Featured at Enterprise Learning Conference

MARICOPA, AZ--(Marketwired - June 02, 2016) - Elearning! Media Group, producers of the Enterprise Learning! Conference 2016 (ELC16), has announced a dedicated track of session focusing on the Consumerization of Learning, Impact on Learning. The task of Building the Smarter Enterprise in an ever changing technology environment challenges today's enterprises....

Engage: The Care Certificate - Best Practice Guidelines for eLearning success

Since its introduction in 2015, thousands of health and social care workers have completed the Care...

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Momenta Learning No. 83 News on Elearning and Online Learning

Welcome to the No. 83 Issue of Momenta Learning News on Elearning and Online Learning
Momenta Learning

Understanding your culture ROI

Tired of talking about employee engagement, that once-a-year survey where leaders and employees are reminded that no one enjoys coming to work? Or perhaps you have seen reports of high engagement in your teams, yet no one feels their own experience matches the strong scores?

Structured training for community pharmacy staff

Courtesy of Warman-Freed Finding the time and money to train pharmacists and pharmacy team members is not easy but there are business advantages of having well-trained staff, including a more knowledgeable and productive workforce. Investing in training and development improves customer service, raises staff morale, boosts employee retention and, subsequently, increases profits.

Free Book - E-learning with Camtasia Studio

E-learning with Camtasia Studio ($10.04 Kindle), by David B. Demyan, is free this morning, direct from Packt Publishing. Book Description With the advent of powerful Internet streaming technologies and growing adoption of e-learning as a medium for learning, Camtasia Studio is proving effective as a tool to demonstrate tasks and concepts visually.

Online Learning for HR

Compare Courses When massive open online courses-better known as MOOCs-first came on the educational scene, nobody knew whether they would be the next big thing in learning or just another quirky acronym. MOOCs are Web-based classes that are available to all, and they're often free.

Pluralsight Reveals Eight Ways Online Learning Pays Back

SALT LAKE CITY--()--Pluralsight, the global leader in online learning for technology professionals, unveiled eight ways that online learning pays back, featuring findings from a survey conducted by best practice insights and technology firm CEB, Inc. The study, which surveyed nearly 2,000 Pluralsight subscribers, identified that online learning is more effective than in-class training, providing measurable benefits to enterprises and their technical staff.

Online Engagement: Keep 'Em Hooked

Why is engagement important when it comes to live online learning? For one, retention. If a student is engaged, then they are more likely to pay attention until the end of the course. It keeps the student's eyes and ears on the screen, instead of checking email, working, or allowing for other distractions.

Learn How to Build an Online Learning Management System · TeacherCast Educational Broadcasting NetworkbyIlona Hetsevich

According to the Online Learning Consortium (OLC), over the last 12 years the number of students enrolled in online courses increased by 263%. [ Source] There is no doubt the trend is here to stay and it would be quite irrational to stick to the classroom-based teaching and not to move online where your students are.

Design Thinking Projects in Online Learning Environments

I do a good bit of design thinking research related to learning design and and I've found design thinking to be a useful process for student work in online courses. More specifically, I find that design thinking provides a framework for personalized creativity and innovative thinking by students.

What's It Like to Teach Middle School Online?

First Person "How do you teach middle school science online?" I get that question a lot and answering it isn't always quick, easy, or painless. I love my job teaching for Insight School of Kansas and Kansas Virtual Academy, virtual schools that are part of the K12 Inc.

Op-Ed: Why innovation-desperate higher ed needs to break its shackles - eCampus News

Outsourcing and technology adoption are booming in higher education, as student demographics change and learning models evolve. There's an inherent challenge: as the complexity of delivering personalized, student-centered education increases, institutions run the risk of ceding their independence to outside entities in the name of innovation.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Momenta Learning No. 82 News on Elearning and Online Learning

Welcome to the No. 82 Issue of Momenta Learning News on Elearning and Online Learning
Momenta Learning

The Power of Animation in Elearning - Mindflash

Over the last twenty years, technology gave birth to the PowerPoint presentation and animation within PowerPoint is a very well-known function for user engagement in the modern training landscape. We all went wild for flying bullet points, sound effects and word art. That being said, animation has evolved, it is an amazing tool that...

How to Share E-Learning Courses Using Amazon S3 | The Rapid E-Learning Blog

Today I am going to show you how to set up an Amazon S3 account to share elearning courses and portfolios. It's something I mentioned previously when we discussed ways to share your courses. However, this post provides more detail and it's super important to those who use Google Drive to share their elearning courses because Google is discontinuing that option on August 31, 2016.

The Best of eLearning in May 2016

May was a busy month here at Trivantis®. Here's a quick look at everything we've been up to! On the blog: LUC 2016 Recap: Sharing Bright Ideas in Sunny Florida Featured Trivantis Community Post: LUC 2016 Community Showcase New case study: Lectora Makes Insurance Training Interactive and Efficient On the web: State of the Authoring Tool Industry This month, we headed down to Fort Lauderdale, Florida for the annual Lectora® User Conference.

Learn to Lead: 10 Online Learning Platforms to Hone Your Entrepreneurial Skills

Entrepreneurs need to wear multiple hats if they are going to succeed. And that's why you will never find a single learning platform online that covers all the bases. You need to go out of your way to diversify if you want to keep learning as a busy entrepreneur and find the best platforms for you in relation to all the skills you need for your business.

Online learning courses have paved the way for those who aspire to upgrade level of education

Technology has touched every arena of our life. A quantum leap in this field has revolutionised the overall system of education. Online learning courses have transported education from the limited realm of population to the general masses. Multiple courses by correspondence have been introduced for the benefit of students who get study material through mail ...

Unpacking the Problem of Unmotivated Online Students (EdSurge News)

Recently, I received this message from a college professor in response to a blog post I wrote: "I truly believe in the benefits of online learning; but only for those who really want to learn. And unfortunately, those students are few and far between-maybe 5 to 10 percent ...

Transform Online Learning: How to Take the Distance Out of Distance Learning

Are you teaching online classes and interested in an instructional strategy that could help to strengthen your relationships with students, while also influencing their level of performance, motivation, and engagement? Dr. J developed an innovative approach to online teaching with an instructional strategy called Appreciative Andragogy.

Successes and Lessons Learned: Designing Online Group Presentations - SPS | Distance Learning

As much as we like to think our online courses are perfect, there is always room for improvement. Our job is never done. On the Distance Learning team, we are first and foremost concerned with partnering with faculty to develop high-quality learning experiences for students.

Online Summer Camps. They're a Thing. - Brain Chase

Keep your child learning, busy, and entertained this summer with Brain Chase! A new revolution in summer camps has arrived (drumroll please...): Online Summer Camps (a.k.a Virtual Summer Camps)! These are not the traditional, pay-hundreds-of-dollars-to-keep-your-kid-entertained-for-a-week camps. Online summer camps are quickly becoming a popular and MUCH more cost effective way to keep your kids entertained and learning throughout the summer.

Are MOOCs in danger of becoming irrelevant?

In spring 1961, the American inventor Buckminster Fuller told a group of Southern Illinois University administrators that a new campus they were planning would soon be obsolete. He informed them that classroom learning was finished. Instead, students would gain knowledge through "an intercontinentally networked documentaries call-up system, operative over any home two-way TV set".

Sales Up Costs Down

How do the world's leading brands connect with new customers? Many-such as AT&T, DISH, and Verizon-rely on Clearlink, a fast-growing customer-acquisitions company, for online marketing, advertising, and point-of-sale transactions. With more than 1,200 sales agents leveraging customized marketing and analytics platforms, Clearlink creates millions of long-term customers for its brand partners while collecting valuable data about consumer behavior.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Momenta Learning No. 81 News on Elearning and Online Learning

Welcome to the No. 81 Issue of Momenta Learning News on Elearning and Online Learning
Momenta Learning

US college ranking launched by Times Higher Education

Times Higher Education has announced plans for a new and pioneering college ranking for America - underpinned by the launch this week of a major national student engagement survey.

Learning Easy Holding Limited Recruits Curriculum & Instructional Design Manager - Press Release - Digital Journal

Learning Easy Holding Limited secures the expertise of a new Curriculum/Instructional Design manager.

Supreme Court Justice Designs Video Game About Civics

Civics is the study of the rights and duties of citizenship. There is debate and concern in the U.S. about whether schools are neglecting teaching civics. Former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor wants to change that. So she started a project to teach civics through video games.

Online learning, how tech is motivating learners to stay connected

Online learning has been adopted by corporations globally. It is considered to be an important medium for imparting training for their employees recognising factors such as ease of learning, costs involved and standardisation of content. Many organisations have invested millions of dollars in creating content with features such as gamification and simulations in order to motivate the learners.

E-Learning, E-Commerce and E-Health: How Internet Connectivity Is Transforming Lives Across the Globe - Diplomatic Courier

The rise of Internet connectivity is transforming lives across the globe, with sweeping benefits for growth, jobs and prosperity more widespread by the day. Over three billion people are now connected to the Internet, with numbers predicted to rise to over six billion by 2020, according to a recent State of Broadband report.

5 Steps for Veterans to Choose an Online Bachelor's Program

Experts say veterans should determine whether the online program is accredited and offers veterans staff support. When it comes to choosing an online bachelor's program, veterans should - just like any other prospective student - look for qualities such as flexibility and student-faculty interaction, experts say.

GCC to host statewide eLearning conference

How can colleges support student success in online courses? That is just one topic to be discussed at Greenfield Community College on Thursday, June 2, when about 220 educators from Massachusetts public community colleges and universities gather for the 11th annual Conference on eLearning. Theconference is sponsored by Massachusetts Colleges Online.

Leadership In Online Classrooms: In eLearning, Everyone Is A Leader

It is important for both students and teachers to develop and practice leadership in online classrooms to make eLearning environments rewarding and effective. This article will consider some of the key ways this can be achieved.

VetTechTrek is creating an e-learning platform to help veterans build careers in the tech industry

VetTech is a nonprofit founded last year with the goal of helping military veterans network with the technology industry. Over the 12 months they have worked towards this goal by hosting multiple "treks" that brought over 150 veterans and spouses to meet with veterans who work at more than 50 technology startups in New York and Silicon Valley.

Augmented Reality, Big Data and Other E-learning Trends

77 percent of American companies rely on online e-learning programs. Throughout 2016, the focus will be on improving the available learning management systems and methods to maximize its ease and efficiency. Here are the top 8 trends in e-learning to look out for in 2016: Mixing work and play is the basis of gamification in e-learning.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Momenta Learning No. 80 News on Elearning and Online Learning

Welcome to the No. 80 Issue of Momenta Learning News on Elearning and Online Learning
Momenta Learning

How to Set up Students to Succeed in Online Learning (EdSurge News)

Make no mistake-college still works for most who attend; it remains the most reliable gateway to a successful future. But the numbers speak volumes about how higher education must improve to meet the burgeoning demand. When more than 40 percent of first-time, full-time students will not graduate

Blended and Online Learning Solutions from Fuel Education Recognized by Education Industry's Leading Awards Programs

HERNDON, Va., May 26, 2016 /PR Newswire-USNewswire/ -- Personalized learning solutions Provider Fuel Education™ (FuelEd™) has won two education industry awards and was named a finalist by three additional award programs for online and blended learning solutions PEAK™, its personalized learning platform, and LearnBop ®, its interactive math learning system.

4 Great Places to Study Most Military Bases Offer Online Students

Most of these resources are available at little to no cost. We skipped across the U.S., landing on military bases from California, to Nebraska, to Florida. Every move brought with it new challenges and differences, but the bases maintained consistency in providing useful resources for online education that suit the lifestyle of service members and their dependents.

FutureLearn Adds For-Credit MOOCs

FutureLearn, the online learning platform owned by the Open University in the U.K., now offers massive open online courses that award academic credit. In addition to the Open University, the University of Leeds is among the group of eight institutions developing the 12 for-credit MOOC sequences, which students can take to earn up to 30 credits.

Xerox's education software acts as an e-tutor, identifying where students need help

Video indexing and computer vision from Xerox are customizing lessons to different learning styles While online lessons and courses are able to distribute information to a wide range of individuals, they often fail to tailor lessons to particular students' learning patterns.

In today's LMScast Chris Badgett tells you how to launch a business, marketing, or leadership online course using the LifterLMS platform or Boost service.

If you've been thinking about building an online course, this LMScast is for you. Chris Badgett tells you how to launch a business, marketing, or leadership online course even if you've never had a website before. If you're like Chris you have experience, skills, and expertise in leadership, marketing, and/or entrepreneurship, and you're passionate to share your knowledge with others.

Here's how artificial intelligence could solve the biggest problem in education Ashok Goel wants to expand high-quality education to "millions" more people over the internet. That idea isn't new. It's the same goal that's pushed universities to make more and more courses and degree programs available over the internet, making it possible for students living on the far sides of the word to get degrees from American universities - and vice versa.

Build a new school? Go online instead

What is the most cost-effective and efficient means of educating high school students in the 21st century? The obvious solution is online learning, which already is here I am a parent of two children attending Kennedy Elementary School - one of whom would have been in the first graduating class at a new Tech High School had the St.

Five (5) trending technology tips to empower training and development practitioners

Our country is catching up in global trends when it comes to Training and Development (T&D) practices. This was captured in the recent survey conducted by the Philippine Society of Training and Development (PSTD) Foundation, Inc.

EdSurge | How to Set up Students to Succeed in Online Learning - Secure Testing. Anytime. Anywhere.

A year into the ASU Global Freshman Academy (GFA) and edX partnership, the Chief Academic Technology Officer at ASU shares results to date and his views on what it takes to set students up for success in online learning - and the role of remote proctoring.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Momenta Learning No. 79 News on Elearning and Online Learning

Welcome to the No. 79 Issue of Momenta Learning News on Elearning and Online Learning
Momenta Learning

Marketers Target Students Through Online Learning

Students are directed to go online for schoolwork, and corporations are reaping the benefits by subjecting these students to targeted marketing. The National Education Policy Center's (NEPC) 18th Annual Report on Schoolhouse Commercialism Trends, " Learning to be Watched: Surveillance Culture at School," examines how "the policies that enable and encourage these practices connect today's children and adolescents to monitoring and to marketers."

IBM's Big Data University: Free Online Learning With Over 400,000 Students

It is widely forecasted that a shortage of skills in data science and analytics will mean a great deal of money is wasted through missed opportunities in coming years. Traditional academic establishments have begun to move to fill the gap. However, most courses teaching the hot topic skillsets such as [...]

9 case studies reveal secrets of successful blended, online learning programs

Successful online and blended learning programs in a recent survey are those that prioritized better teacher-student relationships, used an online curriculum as a primary instructional source, and used a combination of in-person and virtual instructional support.

HR news, jobs & blogs | Human resources jobs, news & events - People Management

This is the year of pivotal change within the L&D sector. For years we have spoken about the future of L&D, and how L&D has been changing, but we all know in our heart of hearts that there has been hardly any movement.

Bad Gamification Won't Fix Bad eLearning: Seven Principles That Will by Fiona Quigley : Learning Solutions Magazine

Gamification is the use of game elements to motivate people to complete tasks. According to the Gartner Hype Cycle for Education, though, gamification is sliding into the Trough of Disillusionment, where interest wanes as experiments and implementations fail to deliver. Why?

How eLearning can help fill "dead time"

In most businesses there is a cycle that alternates between periods of crazy rush, periods of normalcy, and periods of down time. Companies generally opt for one of two choices during the down time: they either lay off employees (the favored option) or let them stay on and remain idle.

2U: Online Collaborative, Social Learning Experience

Breaking down the walls of physical institutions with online learning experiences, 2U has tweaked online education by adapting the latest technology and partnering with traditional educational institutions to create a sense of community around the new educational and social experiences. By leveraging the platform APIs, 2U melded Kaltura functionalities into a new disruptive online learning platform based on video.

Top 4 Myths You Should Know About Online Learning - Linfield College Online Education Blog

After debunking myths about online learning, you quickly see that this option has many benefits. Students can earn an online college degree program in their own time. Online learning is growing in popularity, and for good reason. When exploring your education options, don't let a few myths get in your way.

Diving In: The Open Waters of Digital Resources and Open Educational Resources (OER) - OLC

Over the past couple of weeks, my news feed reminds me of the vast disparity in use of digital and open educational resources (OER) as well as the lack of education surrounding how to use these cost effective, pedagogically sound course resources.

Use of Cloud-based Education to Emerge as a Key Trend in the Global Lecture Capture Solutions Market Until 2020, Says Technavio

LONDON--()--According to the latest market research report by Technavio, the lecture capture solutions market is expected to record a CAGR of more than 21% until 2020. In this report, Technavio covers the present scenario and growth prospects of theglobal lecture capture solutions market for 2016-2020 .

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Momenta Learning No. 78 News on Elearning and Online Learning

Welcome to the No. 78 Issue of Momenta Learning News on Elearning and Online Learning
Momenta Learning

UNSW proves students learn better with the right online learning

Online learning techniques which dramatically improved engineering students results at the University of NSW are now being offered to the world through a free, massive open online course, or MOOC. UNSW's course, Through Engineers' Eyes: Engineering Mechanics by Experiment, Analysis and Design, now running on the FutureLearn MOOC platform, lets people learn engineering principles by trying real experiments in a virtual world.

12 Reasons Every Online Marketer Should Learn Code

You've heard it said before that learning how to code is a beneficial skill for everyone today. But maybe, as an online marketer - SEO expert, SMM expert or PPC/SEM expert - you probably don't think that applies to you. Surely you can do your job just as effectively without having to know the basics of web development, right?

What's shaping your L&D?

There are very real concerns in the sector that learning and development professionals and departments are being pushed into a different shape, and out of board-level decision-making processes. It can appear that we have no control on this, but is that true?

Moocs prove that universities can and should embrace online learning

For centuries, universities have taken an active approach in tackling major challenges of the day - from addressing the changing role of women in society to researching the future health of our planet. They have often been at the centre of progress, driving deep, meaningful change and helping build a better, more just future.

In-Depth Analysis of Blended and Online Learning Programs Identify Key Characteristics for Success

Of the nine online or blended learning programs, five were whole school programs and four were credit recovery and remedial programs. While all differed in size, demographics, community types, location, and status of program development, the research team found important similarities.

Online Learning Opportunities And The Future Of Education

As he works to put together a programme of online learning opportunities for students, Hedley Willsea reflects on education in an increasingly connected world Hedley Willsea, IB English Language and Literature Teacher, Anglo-American School of Moscow

3 Ways to Use Online Learning to Land Your Next Job

By Mattan GriffelOnline learning is revolutionizing the way people build our careers. Comprehensive programming and design courses enable us to hone and develop new skills, make massive career shifts, and earn more money. Seems like a win-win for employees and employers alike.But some hiring managers are still skeptical of online training and fall back on a college degree as the standard for a good hire.

Mortar is Messy: Online Tech Fills in the Higher Ed Brick Walls

Morgan Richards, a 31-year-old mother of three, is a trendsetter in her pursuit of a university degree. Richards stumbled upon the Global Freshman Academy, a mash-up between Arizona State University (ASU) and edX, which is one of the massive open online content (MOOC) providers.

Blended and Online Learning Solutions from Fuel Education Recognized by Education Industry's Leading Awards Programs

PEAK, FuelEd's personalized learning platform, won a 2016 BESSIE Award for Best Teacher Tools from ComputED Gazette. The BESSIE Awards, now in its 22nd year, target innovative and content-rich programs, apps, and websites that provide parents and teachers with the technology to foster educational excellence.

Online degree units to cut tuition fees - BBC News

A UK online university network is claiming a "breakthrough moment" with a project which will allow students to cut the cost of a Russell Group degree by studying part of it online. A Futurelearn online course will provide credits towards a University of Leeds undergraduate degree.

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