Essential question: If vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change how can you teach your students to be more creative using the Internet?
I was struggling a little bit understanding the question. The reason being that I was taking on it on the technology side, that is, how can my students use the technology out there on the internet to come up with creative and innovative solutions? Then I realized that the point of the question is not to break fears that many of us have on fully using the technology that the internet offers. I think the point lays in the definition of vulnerability: to put yourself out there completely and honestly, with no regard for the judgement and criticism that your work will surely garner. A great way to help my students putting themselves out there and at the same time, help them generate creative and innovative solutions is by inviting them to create a blog where they can express their ideas and bounce around possible solutions and scenarios with others. The discussion forums I will create for the students to manage on their own while they work on their projects, will include directions on how to set up a blog and I will add that all of the participants interact with those blogs by visiting them and comment on the posts from the author. My hope is that some of them will eventually use the blog as a creative tool later on, on a permanent basis. I will also invite them to create a profile in systems similar to LinkedIn (professional associations) because this exposes you to others that can take a look at your work and provide feedback. Creating projects that can later be shared with others online is a great creative process, at least is working for me so far.
BrenĂ© Brown says shame is an epidemic in our culture,” she says. “To get out from underneath it, to find out a way back to each other, we have to understand how it affects us, the way we parent, the way we look at each other.” The three factors that foster shame the fastest are secrecy, silence and judgment. Traditional courses are loaded will all three. Not knowing what the other person got on their assignment. Sitting in silence during mindless lectures. Grades=judgment.
ReplyDeleteTeachers and learners need go inside themselves and "dare greatly.” How do we create learning environments that dares us to be great?