Momenta Learning

A blog on topics related to Elearning, online education, and instructional design.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Momenta Learning No. 8 News on Elearning and Online Learning

Welcome to the No. 8 Issue of Momenta Learning News on Elearning and Online Learning.

Adoption of Cloud-Based Learning Analytics Will Propel the Global Smart Education Market Through 2020, says Technavio | Business Wire

Technavio analysts forecast the global smart education market to post a CAGR of over 15% by 2020, according to their latest report.

Khan's Classroom: The Future of Online Education

The free, non-profit, online learning website, Khan Academy, has delivered 700 million lessons to kids and adults around the globe. Its founder, Sal Khan, is taking Chicago by storm as he launches his newest initiative, LearnStorm, a math challenge that more than 30,000 local kids have already signed up for.

AGF Launches Online Investor Education Hub

Visit , Jan. 28, 2016 /CNW/ - AGF is pleased to launch the AGF Investor Education Hub, an online resource focused on helping Canadian investors develop the financial skills they need to make informed financial and investment decisions throughout their lives. Financial literacy continues to be a challenge in .

AgriLife Extension offers online wild pig distance education courses

COLLEGE STATION - The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service is offering an online wild pig management course for landowners, land managers and others seeking information on feral swine. Mark Tyson, AgriLife Extension wildlife associate at College Station, said the course is divided into five modules, which are split into three main areas of study- two providing continuing education units and one informational course designed for the general public.

Is Blended Learning the Same as Technology-Rich Instruction?

There's a lot of confusion around blended learning and technology-rich instruction. Many schools think that because they use computers in the classroom they are a blended school. Yet, "blended learning" and "technology-rich instruction" mean something quite different. Technology-rich instruction provides educators with a valuable tool to reinforce lessons, but the technology in itself does not facilitate student learning.

Just Updated "Best" List Of Tools For Creating Online Learning Games

I've just updated and slightly revised The Best Websites For Creating Online Learning Games, which is one of my all-time most popular posts. As always, additional suggestions are welcome....

This LMScast helps you evaluate the options of an email mini-course versus an evergreen WordPress LMS course to create your best curriculum using LifterLMS.

Joshua Millage and Chris Badgett have the information you need to make the right choice between an email mini-course versus an evergreen WordPress LMS course. In this LMScast you will learn advantages and applications for each type of course and how to get started with the format you choose.

Create eLearning unveils its unconventional LMS at Learning Technologies

Categories A new-generation learning management system (LMS) is one of the key products on display at the Learning Technologies event, taking place in London's Olympia on 3rd and 4th February 2016. Posted via Industry Today.

The real digital divide in educational technology

The supply and demand sides for US educational technology deserve closer scrutiny in light of the release of the 2016 National Education Technology Plan by the Department of Education. That plan, the fifth in a series, was preceded by the Federal Communication Commission's (FCC) 2014 comprehensive reform of its E-rate program.

5 marketing tips for promoting e-learning

Published on 01.28.16 in Elearning Strategy 5 marketing tips for promoting e-learning 4.60/5 (92.00%) 5 votes Develop high-quality modules? It's a good start, but not enough. Discover our 5 marketing tips for promoting e-learning in your business. Start marketing your e-learning by setting S.M.A.R.T. goals. Are you looking to reduce costs?

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